Wednesday 18 July 2018

An Overview of Claim Process Followed By An Injury Lawyer In St Albert

A personal injury claim lawsuit involves specific processes that an Injury Lawyer in St. Albert has to follow. Most of the injured victims of any accident refrain from filing an injury claim lawsuit as they usually have no knowledge or information about the process involve. They often think that it is a costly proposition that will take a lot of time. On the contrary, you do not have to pay anything to the lawyer upfront and that saves you from your worries about the cost of hiring an attorney. As for the time factor, be informed that more than 90% of personal injury cases get settled in quick time, through out of the court settlement negotiations.

Starting The Process

If you want to have a proper break down of the entire injury claim process,then know that it all starts with hiring a specialized Injury Lawyer in St. Albert. You can do this by researching for an attorney in your area, from the internet or can hire one referred by your known acquaintances. Read their proper reviews from dedicated and authentic review sites as well apart from meeting the lawyer personally to ask questions for clarification of your doubts. Hire one that has most positive review and appeal to you. To begin the process you will be offered a free consultation at the office of the attorney.

Understanding The Case

The initial consultation is the phase when the Injury Lawyer in St. Albert understands your case. The potentiality of the case along with the claim amount is ascertained. It is also required to plan the appropriate approach to deal with the case. Apart from that the lawyer judges the statute of limitation and the time left so that a formal lawsuit can be filed if the negotiation process fails. Every personal injury case has got a specific time limit to file a lawsuit which is called the statute of limitation. It differs from state to state and also from case to case. The usual time limit is 2 years but it may be 3 or 4 years even.

Sending The Demand Letter

The stage is set for the negotiation process with a demand letter drafted and sent by your Injury Lawyer in St. Albert. This is actually the pre-litigation stage. In most of the time the insurance company pays off at this stage and therefore, the next stages of litigation are usually not required to follow. In case you are unlucky to have a non-cooperative insurance company, then your attorney may decide for an alternative way to resolve the issue through arbitration or mediation. These are last stages before trial failing which, a formal complaint is filed.

Filing A Complaint

An official notice is sent to the court and the defendant while filing a complaint. It states that the lawsuit is being filed for your compensation. This complaint can be filed against any defendant whether it is an insurance company or a business entity, any government agency or an individual. The complaint will include all details about the parties involved, jurisdictions, claims and evidences. To read more Click Here